Sorting activity ideas

Sorting and matching activities are a great play idea to do with your child, not only does it have many benefits but it’s one of the first activities they will instinctively pick up.

The best part is that sorting and matching can be done through every day simple activities.

Have a look at our ideas that your little one can do easily at home or playgroup.


Does your little one like to help with chores? Ask them to match up pairs of socks while you sort through the laundry.


If your child is a little bit older, let them have a go sorting out the cutlery drawer and putting away knives, forks and spoons.


Tidy up the toys – ask your child to help pack away their toys by grouping them together. I.e. animals, dolls, duplo etc.

Colour sorting

Using duplo, dried beans, matchbox cars, squeeze youghurt tops etc. ask your child to sort out the objects based on their colours.

For more structured matching games, have a look at the following ideas.
Matching fruit

This simple activity involves making your own cards, but are a great play idea to do. Have a look at it here.

Colour Matching

Grab some paint swatches for this fun and easy activity. Find out how to do it here.

Colour scavenger hunt

Children love to find things! And this activity is perfect to do with kids of all ages. Click here to read how to do this fun activity.

Do you have some play ideas that you like to do? Let us know or tag us at @playgroupwa.