Mark Making – Playgroup

ETTS making Marks - PlaygroupPlaygroup is perfect for setting up opportunities for children to be creative together. Both individual and collective projects are fun to include in your time together and allow children to experiment with mark making in a playful way!

Did you know?

Children will paint, draw or scribble longer when playing with others. This makes playgroup perfect for these activities and can often entice less interested ‘artists’ to join the fun.

Add language

Asking open questions about the children’s creations e.g. “Tell me about your picture. How did you do that?” gives them opportunities to expand their own language.

Early Maths and Science

Talking about colours, sizes, shapes, positions and directions in their pictures provides the language for early maths concepts.

Mixing colours to create new colours or experimenting with different drawing materials creates early interest in science knowledge and skills.

Other development

Creating a collective artwork together provides the opportunity for social fun and the sense of group identity. Seeing the variety of different ways each child approaches the task contributes to an understanding of individuality. This all builds the children’s social and emotional skills. Working together with other children helps prepare them for joint activities at school.

Ideas for collective artworks could include using each child’s hand print added together to create a picture such as a rainbow or Christmas tree; each child drawing a tree and sticking these up together to create a forest or bush scene; making individual houses to create a town or tracing around hands to create a flower.


“Painting” outside using just water and large paint brushes can be a fun summer activity especially if you have a fence, wall or concrete paving to use.

Chalk drawings on pavements or fences can also inspire children’s play and should be easily washed off.


Keep babies and children safe by the use of non-toxic materials and supervision.

Across the ages

All the activities listed on our “Play Ideas” page can be applied across different age groups. See how Making Marks can be fun for babies, toddlers and children.

Activities listed under “playgroups” are suitable for children of various ages. They provide opportunities for early learning and social play.