3 Signs Your Child Needs Their Hearing Checked

Ear problems, or lack of attention? 3 signs your child needs their hearing checked

You might think they’re not listening. But if a child is not paying attention to you or you have to LQHearingSchoolAgedChildcall them several times before they respond, is this behaviour selective hearing or a sign they could have ear problems?

It is estimated that the rate of hearing impairment in primary school children in Australia lies between 3.4 and 12.8%.

Hearing loss isn’t always easy to recognise, but there are ways parents and teachers can determine if a child may need to have their ears checked by a health professional such as an Audiologist:
1. Doesn’t respond to sounds: Newborn babies with a hearing loss may not be startled when responding to loud noises. From around one year, a child with a hearing loss may not recognise their own name and may not respond when they are called from across a room.

2. Delay in speech or language: Children with an undiagnosed hearing loss will often be delayed with their speech or language. By six months, children should be babbling and by one year, they should be saying simple words such as Mum, Dad and dog.

3. History of middle ear issues: Middle ear issues are one of the most common childhood illnesses. Symptoms can include a child pulling at their ears, not responding to sounds or having a build up of wax in their ears. It is important to have your child’s ears tested regularly as sometimes there are no symptoms at all.

Watch the full video online here.

Although newborn screening detects your child’s hearing loss at birth, hearing loss can occur at any age. If your child has a hearing loss, early intervention is extremely important to ensure they get the help they need. If you have any concerns about your child’s hearing or language development, please call Telethon Speech & Hearing on 9387 9888 or email speech@tsh.org.au. No referrral needed.

Locations in Wembley and Cockburn.

Telethon Speech and Hearing is a Registered NDIS Provider.