Puzzles – Baby

puzzles babyBabies can have lots of fun while developing their skills by playing with puzzle-like toys.

Did you know?

Stacking rings or cups, posting boxes and shape sorters help to develop your baby’s placement, problem solving and fine motor skills – which are required for completing puzzles later on.

Babies learn to match simple colours and shapes, recognise and sort objects, and develop their memory while playing with puzzle-like toys.

Add language

Match words to the actions your baby is doing e.g. in/out, on/off.

Provide the names for simple shapes and colours as your baby holds or moves them.

Other development

Older babies will enjoy simple formboard puzzles – single or only a few large puzzle pieces with knobs, within a frame. These help to develop your baby’s eye hand coordination and early pinch grasp.


Ensure there are no small or loose parts to the toys that could be a choking hazard for babies.

Across the ages

All the activities listed on our “Play Ideas” page can be applied across different age groups. See how puzzles can be fun for toddlerschildren and playgroups.


Activities listed under “baby” are suitable for children under 12 months. This age is largely about babies exploring their own bodies and the world around them from the safety of a close relationship with their caregiver.