Sharing books – Playgroup

book share playgroup - CopyBook sharing can become a special part of your playgroup’s regular routine, and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

Did you know?

Sharing books at playgroup gives children of different ages the opportunity to share the fun of stories together.

Add language

Books with rhyme and repetition are especially good for sharing at playgroup with children often joining in together with familiar words.

Top tips

Have some simple baby picture books at playgroup. They are great for sharing with an adult or looking through on their own.

Including a story-time at playgroup is a great way for getting all the kids together and may make a good marker as the last activity of playgroup before home-time. Parents could take turns to tell a story while other parents tidied up without the children!

Across the ages

All the activities listed on our “Play Ideas” page can be applied across different age groups. Check out sharing books for babiestoddlers and children.


Activities listed under “playgroup” are suitable for groups of children of various ages. They provide opportunities for early learning and social play.