Sorting games – Child

sorting childSorting objects or pictures into sets and subsets builds thinking and reasoning skills and early maths concepts.

Did you know?

As children get used to sorting things into groups they can start to explain how things are the same and different. It is easier for children to explain how things are different than it is to explain similarities.

Add language

Talk about similarities and differences between things in more detail, using more specific language e.g. use more complex category labels and groups within a broader category. Talk about and ask occasional questions about what they are made of, what they are used for, or where they are found as ways of getting them thinking e.g. “What is the same about a horse and a chair?”, “What else is made of metal?”

Other development

Using objects or pictures to sort into sets, sub-sets or unusual groupings helps build thinking, reasoning and memory skills e.g. grouping animals into pets, farm animals, or wild animals; into those with feathers, fur, or fins; into insects, reptiles, or mammals; or into ocean animals, jungle animals, or desert animals.

Counting objects within groups helps your child learn early number concepts.

Across the ages

All the activities listed on our “Play Ideas” page can be applied across different age groups. Check out sorting games for babiestoddlers and playgroups.


Activities listed under “child” are suitable for children 3 years and older.  Children of this age enjoy more complex activities where they can develop their skills and use their imagination while playing with friends.

Play ideas

colour matching pegs and paint samples - Copy

Colour matching pegs


Matching fruit

colour scavenger hunt - Copy

Colour scavenger hunt