Ten Cool Tips for a Long Hot Summer
Keep cool – there are many ways to keep cool this Summer! In addition to drinking lots of water, squirty bottles are great fun and excellent for building hand strength and gripping skills – helpful when children eventually learn to hold a pencil and write. Other ways to keep cool include playing in shady areas, putting a wet flannel/cloth on the back of the neck, making paper fans and water play!
- Be calm – summer heat can be exhausting for both kids and parents, so when it’s getting a bit much, take some slow, deep breaths to calm yourself and your child. Focusing on being in the moment, having a rest, and not trying to do too much, helps too.
- Gratitude – positive emotions contribute to our wellbeing. Being thankful for the small, beautiful, joyful, funny and endearing moments in your day, can brighten your mood and those around you too. It can help to reflect on thing you are grateful for at the end of each day. Sharing love, appreciation, kindness and optimism with others can help cheer others up too.
- Play Time – play time with your kids is time well spent. You can play anywhere – at home, in parks, at the beach and wherever you are on holidays. Fun and laughter shared together will enhance holiday time. Lots of physical fun helps kids to sleep better too.
- Friends and Family– positive relationships develop when we connect and share time with family and friends. Share what you enjoy together, both at home and out and about.
- Rest – Scheduling in some down time or ‘quiet time’ can be beneficial for everyone. This could be a day time nap, or reading a book or doing a puzzle. In the middle of the day when it’s hot can be a good time to have a rest.
- Eat well – Eating a rainbow of healthy fruit and veg can make a big difference on how we feel and how we grow. Taking time to plan meals and talk to your children about what to buy, food preparation, cooking and eating can be a fun and beneficial learning experience. You can focus on the shape, colour, texture, aroma and crunch of your meals. Sharing meals together is also a wonderful tradition to do whenever you can.
- Balance technology – Focusing on spending time playing, reading and games offers more opportunities for interaction, connection, development and socialisation, and less time for screens. If a child does have some screen time, consider what they are doing with their screen time. Does it encourage them to want to go outside and play? Does it teach them or model how to be a good friend, help around the house, or take turns? Are they learning about colours and shapes, or music and numbers?
- Share – it takes a village. When you give, you also receive – so share affection, hugs, child-minding, play, fun, laughter, chores, delicious & nutritious food, and appreciation. Having opportunities for your children to spend time with other children and other families is also beneficial and creates a sense of community. Playgroup is a great place to do this!
- Celebrate – every family develops its own rituals and celebrations for birthdays, Christmas and/or other holidays. Celebrate all the achievements and accomplishments of your family and anticipate the new year with hope.